Poison is an exhibition from the collections of Grupo Atrox (Spain), adapted and enriched by Universcience, with the help of Muséum national d'histoire naturelle de Paris.

30 living species - 750 m2


The  exhibition  ‘Poison’  brings  to  the  public  some  thirty  living  species  of  venomous and poisonous animals, including snakes, poison dart frogs and other poisonous frogs, lizards, spiders and arthropods.

Kept in terrariums that reproduce their natural habitats, these species provide a fascinating insight into the role of poison in nature.

Yet, the active substances in the fearsome arsenal of the often deadly poisons produced by certain animals and plants are a complex blend of different chemicals which, when used under certain conditions, can become valuable medicines.

In addition to capitalising on the public’s fascination with poisons and the animals that produce them, this exhibition shows how  poisons  can  work  in  two  ways, both to harm and to cure. Poisons have endless potential in scientific research, confirming the importance of protecting the natural world and its biodiversity.